Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Don't Be A Dick.

Anxiety is a pain in the arse. That much is evident to anyone- even the word anxiety just sounds harsh and negative.
One thing I've come to realise, is that many people view anxiety as being fake, for attention, or just being "a bit nervous". But this couldn't be further from the truth.

I've been told I can't possibly have an anxiety disorder, because some days I can go into a crowded place and be completely fine, but the next day I can't even go to the local shop alone. Anxiety comes in all different ugly shapes and sizes, from minor heart flutters, to complete panic attacks that lead to you becoming isolated from reality. I've experienced pretty much every notch on the spectrum.

Looking back to when I was a child, I was always anxious- I cried when leaving my mum in school up until I was around 10, because I was so worried something would happen to her. I started staying at home and not seeing my friends because I was too nervous to leave my mother's side. All of this stemmed from events in my childhood, and as years have gone by, and both of my parents have passed away, my minor anxiety grew into a complete disorder.

I've got it somewhat under control these days, even though it's now paired with depression- which is very common with anxiety. It will very often turn into depression as well, they usually come as a pair.
Anxiety can be looked at as being used as a "fashion statement", as more and more people of influence come out and talk about mental health (which is amazing), a lot of younger children see it as something cool to have. But no mental illness is "cool".

Anxiety is-

  • Not being able to leave your house
  • Severing friendships through fear of things turning sour
  • Having a panic attack in a shop toilet because you're too afraid to ask for help
  • Having a crippling phobia of things such as vomiting or losing control 
  • Missing out on key events 
  • Having heart palpitations and chest pain
  • Many other horrible things that come with mental illness.
If someone you know is suffering with anxiety, don't be dick. Don't tell them you know how they feel because you also get a bit nervous sometimes. Here are some links to help you understand mental illness. Nothing will change unless we discuss it and end the stigma.